Pressuring Women

The emotions that trigger when I think of feminism are: anger, sadness, and angst. In today’s world: women are expected to fit into ridiculous defined standards. Women are to aspire to be healthy and basically look like the magical women that are prominent in pop culture. A trend went around stating “if a girl weighs over 120 pounds, then you’re ugly.” How absurd is it for that amount of mass inside of a body defines your beauty? 
Women shouldn’t be ridiculed for their weight, or features. Women have feelings too. There is so much pressure into today’s world. The pressure is the point where it can cause breakdowns. Instead of setting standards, how about we embrace differences? Not everyone can fit into these requirements. It’s almost impossible. Honestly, embrace your differences. Go out there and show the world who you are. Loving yourself is a hard thing to do with all the pressure. This is the real reason we need feminism. Women are being shamed for their fashion choices. The media portrays woman as sexual beings, and over-sexualizes the female body. Women are shown as items, not people. Wives are perceived as maids, instead of a companion. Feminism embraces the equality of the sexes, not making the female more dominant. Today, females are being put down on their choices. 
Instead of shaming, let’s embrace.

– by: Tamsen Simpson –

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